Legend of Novaria walkthrough and BNB gas fees
This guide aims to walk you through how to play Legend of Novaria and give some rough estimates for BNB gas fees, remember that BNB fees can go up and down according to congestion on the network and are not controlled by ShibaNova.
It is also important to remember that wallet applications like Trust, Math and Meta Mask like to quote the maximum amount of gas which is usually much higher than the actual amount of gas used - always check bscscan to get a clear understanding of how much gas you agree actually used.
approve fleet contract
Approve treasury
Set your player name (can only be done once, choose wisely!)
Build your fleet
Claim max ships
Join attackers
Resolve battle
Gas fees comparison
THIS IS A WIP - hold tight whilst we get everything in here 🤗
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QueenOfDegens looooong version
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